Safer Neighbourhoods Stronger Communities


Historically the police were the primary, and often the only, conduit for the community safety issues identified within neighbourhoods. The demands on policing have increased considerably over recent years and the traditional ‘village bobby’ role is rarely achievable. Nonetheless Community Policing remains a cornerstone for service delivery and the link between community police officers and their NW schemes is a key element for healthy and sustainable schemes.

The police role may include:

  • Assisting in the establishment of Neighbourhood Watches.
  • Communicating with coordinators about crimes/safety issues in their area
  • Working in partnership with NW and other relevant partners to address community safety issues, provide public reassurance and crime prevention advice.
  • Being a point of contact in the local police

In April 2016 Police Scotland and Neighbourhood Watch Scotland established a Memorandum of Understanding between to two organisations to provide an agreed framework to support and sustain future partnership working between the organisations at both a national and local level. In practical terms this allows the partners to provide locally relevant information to communities using the Neighbourhood ALERT system.

Today, for NW to be successful, schemes should engage with a wider range of agencies in addressing neighbourhood concerns.   This may include:

  • Local Authorities
  • Trading Standards
  • Fire & Rescue Services
  • Community Councils
  • Crime Prevention Panels
  • Community Safety Partnerships
  • Other charities or community groups

And that’s just for starters!

It is important to identify which partners can help you to achieve your group’s aims.

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